We rode the Huntington Lake area for 3 days last weekend. There is 8+ feet of snow in some locations as well as about 10 inches in Shaver! The off trail riding was very good with excellent snow coverage. The trails however were horrid. From what we heard, there is “too much, too dry” snow for grooming to happen, despite the trails being very well set up and extremely rough.
On Sunday we rode out of the Lakeshore sno-park (bathrooms at the sno-park were closed) and up to the White Bark Vista. The trail by the sno-park was rough, had a couple of big holes in it where a stream had been flowing due to rain. There was also a massive downed tree near Rancheria Enterprises that causes a hairy single track detour in a ditch. Once up Kaiser Pass trail about a mile above the power station the trail smoothed out a bit. There was lots of good snow off trail as we made our way up to White Bark.
On Monday we rode out of the Lakeshore sno-park again, we climbed up the lake facing side of White Bark Vista and explored the area. We also rode up to the top of Mt. Tom and were greeted with beautiful views. It was a real shame that the trails were still not groomed and even more beat up from the day before. It really creates a hazard for everyone on the trails.
On Tuesday we rode out of Tamarack sno-park. There was plenty of snow off trail for exploring, but getting to spots where we can take off to explore is challenging and dangerous on the ungroomed trails. There were multiple trees down on the trail which makes for challenging detours.
Overall it was a fun trip with my dad, Kassi, Tim, Scott, Armand, and Armand. It is always nice to spend time with friends while out in the forest, however the fun was dampened by the lack of trail grooming.