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February 14, 2016 at 8:14 pm
Storm 17-19 FEB ..
Storm starting noonish NORCAL on WED and by sundown SOCAL
Might rain a 1/4 inch SOCAL 75% chance
Kern / Tulare county- up to 1/2 inch 90% chance
Mammoth ONE inch rain 98% chance … looks like mostly rain at 8000 feet
BEAR VALLEY CA mostly all snow at 7000 feet at least 1 1/2 feet snow 95% chance
Truckee one inch rain … 2-6 inches snow 98% chance
Estimates have been decreasing for SOCAL and increasing for NORCAL
Etna CA 2 plus inches rain 100% chance over 4 days 17-20th
Idaho panhandle and WA west coast getting 3 plus inches water did not look if it is snow